User How-To - Setup


You must download and install AliEn user distribution software

    Once you have registered your certificate with AliEn Virtual Organisation, you have Grid "username" which should ideally be the same as usual Unix username. If your grid username is different from your local Unix account, you will have to create a file $HOME/.alien/Environment and put there your grid username:


    [pcepalice45] ~/alien/bin > mkdir -p ~/.alien/identities.alice
    [pcepalice45] ~/alien/bin > echo export ALIEN_USER=psaiz > ~/.alien/Environment
    [pcepalice45] ~/alien/bin >

    You could also specify the command line option --user , although that has the inconvenience that it has to be specified every time you want to connect to alien.


    [pcepalice45] ~ > alien -user pbuncic
    Connecting to database alien_system in ...
    An error occured during AliEn authentication
    No SSH key, run alien CreateKeys first
    Database: Connection refused

    Password incorrect or user pbuncic (as pbuncic) has no access to alien_system in

    ERROR validating the user

    AliEn user can connect to different virtual organisations. By default, it will connect to the default virtual organization which can be specified in .Environment file in the root of the AliEn installation directory (variable ALIEN_ORGANISATION). Finally, a user can also specify the organisation (s)he wants to contact, creating his/her own $HOME/.alien/Environment file. For instance>


    [pcepalice45] ~ > echo ALIEN_ORGANISATION=Atlas >>$HOME/.alien/Environment
    [pcepalice45] ~ > alien

    Connecting to database alien_system in ...

    And you can see that the system connects in a different port (at the moment, the services for these two organisations are running on the same machine, although in different ports).

    In the environment file, the user can also specify other options, like the site that will be used for the configuration.


    [pcepalice45] ~ > echo >>$HOME/.alien/Environment


    Authentication with certificates

    Once you have a certificate, you can put a link $HOME/.alien/globus pointing to the directory containing your certificate.


    [pcepalice45] ~/alien/bin > cd ~/.alien/
    [pcepalice45] ~/.alien > ln -s ~/.globus/ globus
    [pcepalice45] ~/.alien > ls -al globus/

    total 32
    drwxr-xr-x 2 psaiz z2 4096 Jul 22 16:48 ./
    drwxr-xr-x 36 psaiz root 8192 Sep 10 14:56 ../
    -rw-r--r-- 1 psaiz z2 3272 May 10 15:04 usercert.pem
    -r-------- 1 psaiz z2 951 May 10 15:04 userkey.pem

    Whenever you want to authenticate to alien, you will have to make sure that you have an active proxy, and then you will be able to log in. If you do not have a proxy, you will get the following message.


    [pcepalice45] ~/.alien > alien
    Connecting to database alien_system in ...
    An error occured during AliEn authentication
    Your proxy expired. Run alien ProxyInit
    Database: Connection refused

    Password incorrect or user psaiz (as psaiz) has no access to alien_system in

    ERROR validating the user

    [pcepalice45] ~/.alien > alien proxy-init
    1 : subject= /O=Grid/O=CERN/ Saiz

    Your identity: /O=Grid/O=CERN/ Saiz
    Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity:
    Creating proxy ................................................................... Done
    Your proxy is valid until Wed Sep 11 16:13:09 2002
    [pcepalice45] ~/.alien > alien
    Connecting to database alien_system in ...
    Warning! not able to load the previous environment!
    [] / >

    The warning is due to the fact that this is the first time that the user is logging into the system. The next time you log in, you will not get that message (and you will also start in the same directory where you were the last time).

    There are also tools to check if you have a proxy (proxy-info), and to destroy a proxy (proxy-destroy)


    [pcepalice45] ~ > alien proxy-info
    subject : /O=Grid/O=CERN/ Saiz/CN=proxy
    issuer : /O=Grid/O=CERN/ Saiz
    type : full
    strength : 512 bits
    timeleft : 20:40:22
    [pcepalice45] ~ > alien proxy-destroy

    [pcepalice45] ~ > alien proxy-info
    ERROR: unable to determine proxy file name

    To start alien, just type 'alien':


    [pcepalice45] ~/alien/bin > alien
    Connecting to database alien_system in ...
    Warning! not able to load the previous environment!
    [] / >

    The warning is due to the fact that this is the first time that the user is logging into the system. The next time you log in, you will not get that message (and you will also start in the same directory where you were the last time).